hye semua,
here come end of year 2012 wif 21 years old...next year dh 22 oh my!
btw bukan tu nk ceta sbnrnye haha..
ketepi ketengah ke sna dan ke sini...what the!! tough sem la semester ni...
event byk xjd but..alhmdulillah...jd jugak event kcil2an ku buat talk dgn alumni IBUC ..
this last 1st dec aritu...quite late to post but need to thanx them sbb dtg juga kbm ni ha...
all the advice and details sgt diorg ceta...bgus gle!xsgka dpt thu senior IB yg sgt berjaya mcmni...
then 8th dec was in PLENO...ini ada persidangan mahasiswa KBM jd perwakilan ib dengan alia and fanty...
i love to questions haha...cian diorg...actually that the true me..dlm kelas xberkesempatan..so i use the opportunity sebaiknye. at last usul...diterima.. :) YEAY!
Last but not least the last week of classes...stress with all the asgnment, test and presentation...
at least relief stress with this!
MPC, PJ. first time kuar dari melaka hahha...thanx u all!
hopefully our trip will be most memorable!