almost done my final year within few days lg.
so bercakap tentang final year... i done my industrial training (29/7- 13/12)
ditempatkan di Continuous Improvement, di VS2 , under Mr. Abdul Rahman Abdullah
mula2 mmg rasa pressure why an international business students ditempatkan di LEAN, ? kat mne nk implement all global business tu kan
tp. lama3... i learn a lot... to help company production, we need kaizen and lean
all matrix that be taught to me kat uitm just 0.5 from all been using here
thanks alot
elaun intern - RM300
big boss sgt superb. en zul
he really supportive bos
now, ctrm xbrdiri sndri
CTRM dh di bawah kelolan DRB Hicom- Tan Sri Kamil and sahabat2 yang lain
by the way, dkt VS2 ada beberapa bahagian
all of them very nice to me except my supervisor :( haha
he very strict and too much experienced.
so within 1 month i need to read alot and study what is lean all about.
just last day of my intern. feeling sad rmai cuti. sbb dh hujung tahun... no celebration
tp as thank them for being nice to me, i jd santa clause give them all happy new year gift. :)
apepun gudluck my junior...nnik
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